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West Albany High School Band performs for Waverly and Tangent students

Posted on: June 4, 2018

Last week, the West Albany High School Jazz Band stopped by Tangent and Waverly elementary schools to perform for the students during lunch. This annual event is a fun performance for the high school students, and it is a great preview of future band opportunities for the elementary students.

The band is directed by Stuart Welsh, who joined in the performance. Chris Goeke, a Waverly Elementary School classified staff member and former WAHS band member, also performed.

West Albany High School Jazz Band members. West Albany High School Jazz Band members. West Albany High School Jazz Band drummer. Student playing instrument. West Albany High School Jazz Band. West Albany High School Jazz Band. West Albany High School Jazz Band. West Albany High School Jazz Band member. West Albany High School Jazz Band members. Students watching West Albany High School Jazz Band perform.Students watching West Albany High School Jazz Band perform.

Congratulations, Retirees! Thank you for your service!

Posted on: June 1, 2018

The annual retiree celebration at the district office recognized the contributions of 33 GAPS teachers, classified staff and administrators who are leaving the District after serving Greater Albany students for a combined total of 478 years.

Family members and friends joined retirees at the reception. Human Resources Director Randy Lary introduced the following retirees:

Paula Guerrero, Kindergarten Teacher, South Shore: 3 years

Galen Sinkey, Bus Driver, Transportation: 5 years

Michelle Coon, Bus Attendant, Transportation, 9 years

Kathryn Grant, Grade 4 Teacher, Central: 11 years

Virginia Hammond, Special Education Assistant, Clover Ridge: 11 years

Chava Neuhaus, Industrial Arts Teacher, South Albany: 11 years

Isela Avery, Bilingual Assistant, Lafayette: 12 years

Robbe Hood, Trip Bus Driver, Transportation: 12 years

Sharon McKinney, Grade 1 Teacher, Liberty: 12 years

Rebecca Robinson, Social Studies Teacher, Calapooia: 12 years

Leonardo Gonzalez, Custodian, Periwinkle: 13 years

Joanne Miller, Food Service Assistant, Oak: 13 years

Carlene Vey, Secretary I, Special Programs: 13 years

Karen Perry, Grade 1 Teacher, Liberty: 14 years

Margaret Coburn, Science Teacher, Memorial, 15 years

James Haggart, Executive Assistant, District Office: 15 years

Vicky Hughes, Special Education Assistant, Waverly: 17 years

Julie Buchert, Music Teacher, Memorial: 19 years

Peter Claycomb, Behavior Intervention Teacher, Calapooia, 19 years

Cynthia Miller, Grade 3 Teacher, Lafayette: 19 years

Pamela Dodson, Clerical Specialist II, South Albany: 20 years

Janece Vanderburg, Grade 1 Teacher, South Shore: 22 years

MaryLou Boydston, Special Education Assistant, Albany Options: 23 years

Roberta Ingram, Special Education Assistant, Waverly: 23 years

Terri Bridenbeck, Registrar, West Albany: 24 years

Marlene Susnik, Grade 3 Teacher, Liberty: 26 years

Tim Mills, P.E. Teacher, North Albany Middle: 27 years

Jill Clark, Library Assistant, Waverly: 30 years

Cindy Mills, Clerical Special II, Memorial: 30 years

Chris VanCauteren, Social Studies Teacher, South Albany: 31 years

Brent Belveal, Principal, South Albany: 34 years

Jana Swearingen, Social Studies Teacher, Memorial: 36 years

Connie Whipple-Mills, Social Studies Teacher, Memorial: 36 years


Spelling winners will compete at state contest in September

Posted on: May 30, 2018

This month, some of the best spellers in the district moved up the ranks to earn a chance to compete at the statewide level. After the district and county competitions, two students from GAPS earned the chance to compete at the Oregon Statewide Spelling Championship in Salem on Sept 1.

The winners are Paige Rogers from Memorial Middle School and Kate Looney from West Albany High School.

Both students won the district spelling competition for their grade levels. Read the press release from Linn County Spelling Coordinator Kaynor Heineck.

Congratulations to the other GAPS students who competed. The following students had top two finishes:


1st Place: Gabriella  Kesinger, 4th grade, Timber Ridge
2nd Place: Logan Falotico, 5th grade, Liberty Elementary

Middle School:

1st Place: Paige Rogers, 8th grade, Memorial Middle School
2nd Place: Caroline Gao, 7th grade, North Albany Middle School

High School:

1st Place: Kate Looney, 12th grade, West Albany High School
2nd Place: Jonah Willard, 11th grade, West Albany High School

Elementary School spelling winners.Middle School spelling winners.High School spelling winners.

Los ganadores de ortografía competirán en el concurso a nivel estatal en el mes de septiembre.

Este mes, algunos de los mejores deletreadores en el distrito subieron de categoría para tener la oportunidad de competir a nivel estatal. Después de las competencias del distrito y del condado, dos estudiantes de GAPS obtuvieron la oportunidad de competir en el Campeonato de Deletreo Estatal de Oregon, en Salem el 1° de septiembre.

Las ganadoras son Paige Rogers de la secundaria Memorial Middle School y Kate Looney de la preparatoria West Albany High School.

Ambas estudiantes ganaron la competencia de deletreo del distrito, para sus respectivos niveles de grado. Lea el comunicado de prensa de la Coordinadora de Ortografía del condado de Linn, Sra. Kaynor Heineck.

Felicitaciones a los otros estudiantes de GAPS que compitieron. Los siguientes estudiantes obtuvieron los dos mejores lugares:

1er puesto: Gabriella Kesinger, 4to grado, Timber Ridge
2do puesto: Logan Falotico, 5to grado, Liberty Elementary

1er puesto: Paige Rogers, 8vo grado, Memorial Middle School
2do puesto: Caroline Gao, 7mo grado, North Albany Middle School

1er puesto: Kate Looney, 12vo grado, West Albany High School
2do puesto: Jonah Willard, 11vo grado, West Albany High School

Students enjoy the “jour de la cuisine française”

Posted on: May 29, 2018

Madame Kahler’s students enjoy a variety of French foods on “le jour de la cuisine française.” French 1 students sample a variety of cheese, pâté, baguette, croissants, cookies, olives, and Nutella. French 2 students experience garlic-butter escargots, salad with French vinaigrette, cornichons, limonade, and biscuits palmiers. French food day has been an annual event in French classes since Madame Kahler started teaching at WAHS in 1999.




Lisa Harlan selected for GAPS assistant superintendent position

Posted on: May 25, 2018

Greater Albany Public Schools recently selected Albany resident Lisa Harlan for the assistant superintendent position. The post is currently held by Tonja Everest, who will assume superintendent duties at the Linn Benton Lincoln ESD on July 1.

Harlan was offered the position after an extensive application process. Her official appointment is pending School Board approval at its June 4 meeting.

“A very rigorous hiring process revealed that Lisa is all about kids,” said Everest. “The committee was impressed with her passion, practical decision-making and authentic communication style. They also appreciated her deep knowledge in the areas of curriculum, instruction, and behavior,” she said.

Harlan is currently the Director of Elementary Education for Salem-Keizer Public Schools. She brings bilingual skills and extensive experience in educational leadership. She has taught high school and middle school Spanish at Corvallis High School and Western View Middle School. She has served as a middle school assistant principal at Linus Pauling Middle School, a middle school principal at Cheldelin Middle School and an elementary principal at Lincoln Elementary Dual Language School in Corvallis. She has also been a Director of School Improvement for the Oregon Department of Education.

Harlan earned her B.A. in Education from Western Oregon University, her M.Ed. From University of Oregon, and her administrative licensure from Portland State University.

Harlan is an Albany resident with children in GAPS schools. Upon accepting the offer for the position, she said, “I am so glad to serve a district that has served my family so well.”

La Sra. Lisa Harlan fue seleccionada para la posición de Asistente Superintendente del Distrito de las Escuelas Públicas de Greater Albany

Las Escuelas Públicas de Greater Albany, recientemente seleccionó a la residente deAlbany Sra. Lisa Harlan, para la posición de Asistente Superintendente. El cargo actualmente lo ocupa la Sra. Tonja Everest, quien asumirá sus obligaciones como superintendente de Linn Benton Lincoln ESD el 1° de julio. A la Sra. Harlan se le ofreció el puesto después de un extenso proceso de contratación. Su nombramiento oficial está pendiente de la aprobación de la Mesa Directiva en su junta del 4 de junio.

Un proceso de contratación muy riguroso reveló que Lisa se enfoca en los niños", dijo la Sra. Everest. "El comité quedó impresionado con su pasión, su toma de decisions práctica y su auténtico estilo de comunicación. También apreciaron su profundo conocimiento en las áreas de planes de estudio, instrucción y comportamiento", dijo. La Sra. Harlan es actualmente la Directora de Educación Primaria de las Escuelas Públicas del Distrito Salem-Keizer. Ella aporta habilidades bilingües y una amplia experiencia en liderazgo educativo. Ella ha enseñado español en la preparatoria y secundaria en la preparatoria Corvallis High School y escuela secundaria Western View Middle School. Ella se ha desempeñado como subdirectora de la secundaria en la escuela secundaria Linus Pauling Middle School, directora de la escuela secundaria Cheldelin Middle School y como directora de la escuela primaria de idioma dual Lincoln Elementary School en Corvallis. Ella también ha sido Directora de Mejoramiento Escolar para el Departamento de Educación de Oregon.

La Sra. Harlan obtuvo su grado de bachiller (B.A) en el área de la Educación en la universidad “Western Oregon University”, su grado de master en Educación en la  universidad “University of Oregon”, y su licenciatura administrativa en la Universidad “Portland State University”.

La Sra. Harlan reside en Albany con niños en las escuelas de GAPS. Al aceptar la oferta para el puesto, ella dijo: "Estoy muy contenta de servir a un distrito que ha servido tan bien a mi familia.”

AOS, SAHS and WAHS students and staff receive 2018 Peacemaker awards

Posted on: May 18, 2018

The annual Peacekeepers awards ceremony honored students and staff from Albany Options, South Albany and West Albany high schools. The award recognizes schools that promote harmony, peace and justice in the community.

The following students and staff were recognized at a lunch event on May 7.

Albany Options

Hailey Cotton
Laurel Elliott
Stefany Sanchez
Breanna Volkers

Faculty/Staff: Danny Corliss

South Albany High School

Itzel Alvarez
Emily Balck
Katie Beasley
Sage Bodily
Ambri Burton
Ryan Butler
Samantha Chavarria
Daniela Chavez
Angel Escorcia
Samantha Escorcia
Isaiah Exton
Moises Gonzalez
Jaden Guilford
Ramon Hernandez
Rose Howard
Alex King
Grace Lawson
Taylor Lewis
Brenda Lopez-Lopez
Eddie Martinez
Victor Maxfield
Nick McBee
Susie Montes
Ashlee Nunez
Karla Ortega-Montenegro
Savannah Partridge
Matthew Perry
Pippa Richardson
Isaac Soutwick
Terran Swope
Christopher Vega DeLeon
Christian Vosgien
Elizabeth Wood
Evelin Zuniga

Faculty/Staff: Brandon Neal, Chelsea Palmer, Kaylee Roderick, Chris Van Cauteren, Rose Zoellner

West Albany High School

Liliana Bacilio
Colton Byers
Athena Boysen
Esther Bugge
Jacqueline Clark
Josie Davis
Sabrina Davis
Ceanne Elliott
Hailyn Gibson
Karlie Guilliot
Kennedy Guilliot
Jalen Handy
Jack Lamont
Freddy Lopez
Eli Nicholas
Marcella Norris
Yurtzia Peraza
Vada Shelby
Diego Silva
Anna Soot
Hannah Thorp
Cindy Wong
Abby Wooton
Kassandra Worley

Faculty/Staff: Mr. Wadlow

Photos by Don Bacher. See entire album on Flickr.

Peacemaker award winners pose for photo

Student All-Stars: West Albany High School

Posted on: May 9, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

West Albany High School All-Stars are: 

Conner Rice and Hayden Huzefka

Principal Susie Orsborn spoke about these students as an indispensable team at West Albany High School — and other school and community groups. Both have expert event technology skills and tirelessly volunteer to help with any request.

They were also recognized for the following work and achievements:

  • Graduation sound and set up
  • After-school dances
  • Pep assemblies
  • Event technology
  • Musicals
  • Oregon Music Educators Association band festivals / choir concerts
  • Leadership
  • Student Body President: Connor
  • Anytime we need anything: microphone, class meetings etc.

“You name they do it!”