Yeah, your camera roll is filled with pictures, but where will those be in 20 years? Social media might be more immediate, but yearbooks are forever. Don’t miss your one chance to capture this year — and this historical moment in time — with the official historical publication of West Albany High School, the Pedigree yearbook, intended for students of all grades. It is a student-produced 208-page, full-color, hard-bound book delivered at the end of the school year. It includes all student activities, sports, clubs and more.
How do I buy a yearbook?
All yearbook sales, except in special circumstances, should go through the online store. Follow the link below to, where you will be able to search by school name. There you can find all yearbook purchase options, including upgrades like namestamping and additional signature pages.
Pre-order a yearbook online by Monday, March 3, 2025. Pre-ordering guarantees your student will receive a yearbook at the lowest price of the year ($65) and helps us to order an accurate number of books.
Not sure if you already ordered a yearbook? Check here (and check the order date).

How do I purchase a senior tribute ad for my child or for me and my friends?
Senior tribute ads are a great way to send a special message to your graduate commemorating their school journey. You can purchase 1/8, 1/4 or 1/2 page ads for $40-140. You will have the opportunity to upload your own photos, include a special message, and choose the ad design yourself. Seniors, this is a great way for you and your friends to give each other a special shout out in the yearbook to honor your friendship. Visit the link below to design and purchase your senior tribute. Tributes must be submitted by Monday, March 3, 2025.

I’m a senior. How do I upload my senior portrait for inclusion in the yearbook?
It’s a snap! Simply follow the link below (use access code: Bulldogs), then upload the portrait you’d like the yearbook staff to use in the senior portraits section of the yearbook. Remember that school dress code rules apply, and your portrait should not include any visible lettering on your clothing or in the background. (West Albany apparel is okay.) Portraits should be submitted by Tuesday, February 11, 2025. Have a question about these guidelines or a special circumstance? Contact yearbook adviser Ms. Balmeo at