Teacher: Michelle Balmeo
Location: C-4
Email: michelle.balmeo@albany.k12.or.us
Social Media:
Instagram – @
Twitter – @
Suggested course sequence:

Elective Grade 9, 10, 11, 12
Semester Course Credit: .50
In this semester elective course, students will experiment in journalistic writing for different fields: news, opinion, sports, and arts/entertainment. Generating story ideas, reporting and interviewing, writing and editing, and publishing will all be covered. Expect to gain an understanding of how the news works, to get exposure to careers in media, and to try out digital storytelling through audio, visuals and the web. This course is recommended for students interested in applying to join the staff of the student media publication, The Whirlwind.
Prerequisites: Application
Elective Grade 9, 10, 11, 12
Year Long Course Credit: 1.0
This yearlong class students choose both Journalism: Magazine Production A & B. In this year-long news media production course, students will learn about reporting and writing, editing, graphic design using industry-standard software, photography and art, advertising, business management, media literacy, media law, and ethics. This team-based production class emphasizes development of critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. Student work in the areas of news, opinion, features, arts and entertainment, and sports will appear in the The Whirlwind in print and online.
Prerequisites: Application
Elective Grade 9, 10, 11, 12
Year Long Course Credit: 1.0
This yearlong class students choose both Journalism: Multimedia Production A & B. In this year-long news media production course, students will learn about reporting and writing for online audiences, editing, creating podcasts and short news videos, building interactive data visualizations, utilizing social media strategy, and designing for the web. Additionally, they will study photography and art, advertising, business management, media literacy, media law, and ethics. This team-based production class emphasizes development of critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. Student work in the areas of news, opinion, features, arts and entertainment, and sports will appear on the The Whirlwind online news website.
Prerequisites: Journalism: Magazine Production or
Journalism: Multimedia Production
Elective Grade 11, 12
Year Long Course Credit: 1.0
Based on previous work and experience in journalism, students in this course will pursue a media management leadership role, serving as an editor of the print and online student publication, The Whirlwind. Students in this course fulfill all duties of a staff reporter in addition to monitoring the progress of production of media content, editing, leading meetings, developing and executing organizational systems, and seeing ideas through to publication. This course requires an established understanding of media production, in addition to strong problem solving, communication and collaboration skills.
Prerequisites: Instructor Approval
Elective Grades 10, 11, 12
Year Course Credit: 1.0
This year long class; students need to choose Annual A & B. This class is an exciting and challenging course that trains students in photo journalism. Photography, writing stories, working with digital images and basic computer skills, this course provides students with the opportunity to be a part of publishing the Pedigree, West Albany’s official historical publication each year.
Prerequisites: Intro to Media
Journalism: Magazine Production
Journalism: Multimedia Production
Instructor Approval
Elective Grade 10, 11, 12
Semester Course Credit: .50
A cooperative workplace experience in the media & communication field. The practicum work experience must be in the fields related to media and communication. Goals are typically set cooperatively by the student, teacher, and employer (although students are not necessarily paid). This course includes classroom activities as well, involving further study of the field or discussion regarding experiences that students encounter in the workplace.
Program Outcomes and Certifications